Thursday, September 3, 2009

First party home! My younger bro's 21st:)

One thing you would see alot are pictures of parties I have in my house!Not me organizing it btw, my mom loooooovvvesss to hold parties at our house since we were little kids!!!! And...our house is what my brother and his friends call "the headquarters"! Do you know why????????????????It has been a tradition ever since my older brother's time that all of our friends meet up at our house(and stay for most of the day) before going anywhere else.....I guess my parents loved it, since we are all "close to home", literally.

So...... my first few days back, we had a guess what? party of course to celebrate my younger brother's Shaun's birthday, he is turning 21! cannot believe it! mom catered as there was about 70-80 people expected, the set up was pretty good too if I must say:) Here are a few pics of the party:

The caterers were sooo professional!
The famous lamb our parties always have! its a sold out lamb although it looks kinda scary here..but trust me! it tastes good:)
The delicious cake from Just really tastes like how it is named!
Happy 21st! You are legal now...hahahah....
My family:)
All my younger bro's friends who I still label "kids" although......some of them don't look like kids anymore but they do act like one(no offense guys)!
Look at my older bro chomping away at the lamb! and some of his friends:)
Three generation of women! My beloved grandma, mom and I
My gal pals...don't they all look sweet....
With da happy couple..don't really know what Qi is pointing at...
My father trying to be young you are till young at heart!!! with Ming, David(poor guy...always asked to perform during our parties!! Thaaankkkksss!!!!!!he is a mentalist btw) and JP
My extended family came as well
It was an amazing first party when I got home, my parents did well organizing....especially my mom...she is a sweetie!!!! All of us had fun and it was a great reunion for me with my family and friends. Love you all!!!!!


ITR said...

laMb lo0ks ...................

ITR said...

iS thaT "Julie Hoi"? ShE soooo PreTTy ...