Saturday, January 2, 2010

Masters of the Universe!

A whole year has passed!!!! I cannot believe it....and I am sure you agree with me too.... Happy New year btw!!!!!!Weirdly so, when I rang in the new year's with a few friends of mine, I did not make any new year's resolution to myself but rather decide there and then to do it the next day..hhmmm......

In the month of December, a huge event happened for me..... I got my masters! The days leading up to my thesis defense was nerve wrecking if I may say so myself, sleepless nights, stress and of course thinking too much! Thank God I passed the defense with no hiccups and I had a small celebration with those who sat in on my thesis defense. After that, I went shopping and bought a bag to reward myself..."apparently a gift from my mom"...I would like to console myself thinking that way.....hehe....

I had to upload this! Kendra wrote it to discipline herself to study hard for finals!!! So creative and quirky!!!
( I am kinda random that way)

My sweet sweet friend Danielle printed this certificate out for me because she said everyone who succeeds in getting a masters is actually the Masters of the Universe as stated above.....My name was on it too! Yay!

Dinner at Charthouse was good and they had cute christmas decorations!

As we arrive to the close of happy hour, Gen downed his beer in like one second so he could order the next one! Good job dude!

Yum yum...

Gen bought me this beautiful flower(don't really know the name) as a graduation gift and two of my closest friends in Hawaii bought me dinner...muuuaxxxx

Our full length pic before we left!
It was a super good day for me because everything I have worked so hard for came true on that day for me:) This encourages me to preservere in the face of adversity and of course taught me to pursue my dreams which is probably one of my new year's resolution? Sounds like a good idea to you?

Well, hope all of you are enjoying your holidays, I know I am! Have a fun fun weekend before new year and may all of you have a joyous, happy and successful year ahead!!

Master Meiz????????:)

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